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What are the Key Differences Between PCOS and Uterine Fibroids

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and uterine fibroids are conditions where unnatural growth occurs in the reproductive system of a female. Fibroids are not cancerous tumors appearing in the uterine system.  PCOS, on the other hand, are also non-cancerous cysts developing in both the uterus of a patient. Cause of PCOS The formation of PCOS is backed by the overproduction of androgens, female reproductive hormones, affecting the normal development and release of ova. In this case, ovaries develop cysts and cause the uterine walls to thicken unnaturally. This happens at the early age of a woman. It has also been found that teenage girls, hitting the puberty age, suffer from this condition. It generally happens to the patients in their 20s-30s. Cause of uterine fibroids This condition, as per research, happens due to the overproduction of estrogen, a female hormone. When the level elevates, the formation of fibrous tumors occurs inside the uterus. It happens during menopause or when a female patient is pregnant. Key differences between uterine fibroids and PCOS Uterine fibroids, as mentioned earlier, are non-malignant tumors. They cause prolonged and heavy bleeding along with muscular cramp and pelvic pain. This condition also triggers frequent urination, abdominal bloating and constipation. This condition often hinders conception by bringing fertility issues. Uterine fibroids do not affect the ovaries. PCOS, on the other hand, is the syndrome where cysts develop inside the ovaries at the conceivable age. It does not affect the uterus. Researchers are still looking for the particular reasons behind these conditions. Risk factors linked to fibroids
  • Increased level of progesterone and estrogen.
  • It also occurs in a particular race such as Afro-American women
  • It can also happen due to heredity
  • It can cause menstruation at a very early age
  • Overweight or obesity is also a huge risk
Risk factors linked to PCOS
  • Increased level of androgens
  • Increased level of insulin
  • Hereditary reasons
  • If untreated, it can lead to Diabetes Type II, sleep apnea, high cholesterol level, endometrial cancer and fertility complications.
Link between PCOS and Uterine fibroids Researchers did not find any link between the two anomalies of the female reproductive system. In fact, if one condition occurs, there is no chance of occurrence of the other. Verdict Female patients and the family members should know the difference between PCOS and uterine fibroids. It will help them to diagnose a particular condition beforehand and seek medical help when needed the most.
Posted in: PCOS

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