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Pain Management

  • 8 Superfoods to eat for Osteoarthritis pain management
    8 Superfoods to eat for Osteoarthritis pain management

    The most general type of Arthritis, osteoarthritis develops when cartilage in your joints breaks down over time. Though this condition can impact any joint in your body, however people generally notice it in their hands, knees, spine, or hips. Regarding the same, consuming some foods will help you in battling the inflammation caused by Osteoarthritis.  

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  • Cervical Neck Pain and It’s Ayurvedic Treatment
    Cervical Neck Pain and It’s Ayurvedic Treatment

    Cervical pain can be cumbersome. Cervical pain, typically known as neck pain, is a health complication by which thousands of individuals every year are affected. The prolonged working hours on the laptop, sitting in incorrect posture, managing regular stress, and not including exercises in the daily schedule could lead to shoulder and neck pain. This problem is significantly common. So If you ignore it for a longer time, it causes a cervical condition. This is pretty hard to believe, but...

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  • Back Pain And It’s Ayurvedic Treatment
    Back Pain And It’s Ayurvedic Treatment

    A backache could happen to any individual of any age. On average, it occurs to people who undergo heavy physical exertion that requires lifting anything heavy more than one’s capacity. It also happens to people who sit, walk, and stand in one position for long hours and almost daily. This is why patients with back pain are increasing so fast because most people have sitting jobs at the workplace, and they have almost no physical work the whole day that could maintain proper blood circulation....

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  • Ayurvedic Medicines for Joint Pain
    Ayurvedic Medicines for Joint Pain

    Now not only the elderly but also the younger generation are amongst the group concerned with joint pain. Joint pain is a severe issue and ranges from mild to severe. The knees, hands, spine, hips, and feet are a few pain-affected areas. If you are suffering from joint pain, feeling sore, achy, or stiff right after waking up is nothing new. However, the pain subsides and loosens up with movement. The main culprit is that people spend less time engaging in physical activities daily. We have...

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