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Lifestyle Ailments

Lifestyle Ailments

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Tranquil* (9 ml) - Helps...

* Please use with i-Liv


•⁠ ⁠Supports in sleep management
•⁠ ⁠Supports in management of restlessness
•⁠ ⁠Supports in management of calm and healthy mind

Price $7.65

Tranquil (9 ml), i-Liv (25...


  • Provides support in a healthy sleep cycle 
  • Helps to ease restlessness
  • Supports a calm and healthy mind
  • Helps to manage anxiety and stress
  • Supports in management of frequent irritation
Price $24.65

Vasocare* (25 ml) - Helps...

* Please use with I-Liv & Calm


  • Provides support to regulate blood pressure
  • Helps to manage headaches related to blood pressure
  • Supports in the regulation of shortness of breathe
  • Provides support to manage anxiety related tension
Price $23.80

Vasocare (25 ml), i-Liv (25...


  • Provides support to regulate blood pressure
  • Helps to manage headaches related to high blood pressure
  • Supports in the regulation of shortness of breath
  • Helps in the management of nosebleeds
  • Provides supports to manage anxiety related tension
Price $40.80

Cystoclear (34 ml) |...

* Please use with additional oil serum as per diagnosis. 


  • Cystoclear is a versatile poly-herbal serum that has been found very useful by different users in different medical conditions.

  • Some of the areas that the users have found this to be useful are- enlarged prostrate; small cysts in different areas- ganglion cyst etc.
Price $26.78